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Free Will Organization presents “Intro to Magic” program featuring Calaveras Cody as your teacher. Get inspired and immersed into the amazing art of magic and illusion. We will start by teaching two incredible magic tricks that you can take out into the world and astound anyone anywhere. 


This will be a 3 hour in-depth introduction to sleight of hand and misdirection. In addition to learning the tricks themselves, we will explain the ethics and subtleties of magic and how to use these principles in the real world. By teaching these techniques, we aim to help improve confidence in any social surrounding. So come learn with us and get ready for a day of fun and amazement!


Age 6-12 years


Limited Space: 10 students (Parents welcome)


$25 Registration fee (Venmo, PayPal or Credit Card option below) 



Sunday October 2, 2022 @ 4:00 - 7:00 PM


 Unity Ranch

512 Hogan Dam Rd.

Valley Springs, CA 95252


This fun program was created with a powerful goal in mind, to help improve social interaction and confidence in kids. Such attributes assist children to become more active in the world and spark a new interest and create memories though these experiences.


Free Will, events are always captured in video and photography format in order to document the progress and impact we’re making on children who benefit from our efforts. This also serves to remind donors and sponsors...where their funding is invested, it’s all about the children!

How To Help:

Our Magic Program needs help with funding. Any donation helps cover costs which include staff, materials, supplies, take home magic kits, snacks and all the other logistics in putting

this fun program together.



Thank you for considering donating to or sponsoring this program, you're continued assistance as our valued supporters help to sustain Free Will Organization and our youth and community events and programs. Free Will Org. is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization, your contribution will be tax deductible.











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