Free Will Garden's Mission: Create and maintain a garden for the youth to learn Agriculture Education, Sustainability, Water Preservation,
Crop Processing and Preserving.
Who: Free Will Organization is a learning place where we share a passion for Children, Animals and the Earth, through farm based education, workshops, activities and events for the youth in our community. Free Will Organization is in collaboration with Unity Ranch In Valley Springs CA.
What: Free Will Garden: This garden project will serve as a learning opportunity for the youth threw programs focused on Agriculture Basics, Crop Processing and Preservation. We would like for this to be an on going project with different programs and workshops.
Why: There is a need and where there is a need there is a will. Folks come together and take passion into action and make things happen. We must practice our right to food and harvest while making a difference in our community. This project serves as an education resource for our youth, opens opportunities building confidence and self reliance to produce healthy food. This will also provide jobs and help us continue over all mission as we building and making progress.
When: 2024 program "Garden Day for Kids" will be in spring, date to be announced. You can drop your child/children off, snacks will be provided.
Where: This project is being allowed, supported and facilitated at Unity Ranch in Valley Springs Ca. Unity Ranch has donated a part of the property to start and grow the mission and has granted access to conduct meetings, programs and workshops needed to felicitate “Free Will Garden Project” www.thebarnatunityranch.com


A Big THANK YOU to our Partners.
Our next program will be this spring 2024
"JUNE 1ST 2024"
2023 program